Friday, May 26, 2006

Screaming to 35

It's that time of year, my friends. Time to reflect upon my past and try to foresee my future. No crystal balls here, unless you count the ben wa's in my nightstand. The past year has been filled with so many life changes. A marriage, a move, a change in jobs, new friends, new sights, new sounds, a new pet. I lost a lot of myself and learned even more about myself. I've cried more than I ever thought I could. I left my independence behind and regretted giving it away. I learned how to be distrustful, angry all the time and how to be resentful. I also learned how to make new friends when the only thing I wanted was to be with my old friends. I grieved like I never thought I could and I learned to love again, although not quite as much.

Right around the corner I can see age 35. I'll be spending the day of my blessed birth with my family in friends back home in Colorado, the place I love the most in this world with the people I love the most. I'll have precious time to relax, refresh, unwind, rethink my future and hopefully come to a decision about where I want my life to lead me from here. I'll be vacationing from the blog, vacationing from work, vacationing from stress and vacationing from everyday life here in the big city. I can't wait!

Take care during my absence, my friends. I'll be looking for some happy birthday wishes, especially on June 1st. Don't disappoint me or I might cry! And NO ONE wants the birthday girl to cry, do they?


astrocoz said...

Have fun! And Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Is anything in this fucking blog true?

Anonymous said...

You're an arrogant Narcissistic sociapath. You lie to everyone around you to make yourself look better than you are. Hiding your true self from your family and friends. You cheated on me twice that I know of, and from what I understand numerous times on him. You're the biggest piece of shit I've ever know in my life Candy Denise Wright.

Anonymous said...

You ask the guy to marry you, tell him you want to move up there, when he was perfectly willing to move down there. Catch your apt on fire by smoking dope, but tell your family it was a candle. You cheat on him countless times, yet you're the fucking victim. Always the victim.....Thankfully these will be floating around on the net forever. Maybe a few will know of your atrocoties. Other than those you destroyed.