Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Polish the Turd

KC: "I love your hair."

Scooby: "It's just curly and frizzy and out of control."

KC: "You polish the turd pretty well."

Scooby: "Polish the turd?"

KC: "Yeah. You've never heard of that?"

Scooby: "No. What's it mean?"

KC: "It means that you make the best with the poop that you have."

Scooby: (laughter)

So now KC and I have a phrase challenge. I have to use the phrase "polish the turd" in a sentence sometime tomorrow at work. This should be interesting.

Join me and report in, if you dare!


I'm still displaced. I'm living (by the grace of God) with my friend Flik. I had an entirely different blog planned out for today but I've decided to save it for tomorrow. Let's just say that it's about poop and sex. (Yes John, it's your theory that I'm working from here.)

So I sat down today at Flik's PC (she's still at work) and started munching on cinammon rolls that HAD TO BE EATEN or they would forever be spoiled. Okay, they're not even close to being spoiled. I just felt the need to eat an exessive amount of bread with gooey caramel-y frosting on top. Here come the yummy noises!!!!

But I digress. The subject of today's blog is Flik. Flik has her PC set up to automatically go to this blogrolling dealie-ma-jigger where numerous blogs are listed. Presumably, these are Flik's favorite blogs. Do I see Scooby's blog listed there? NO.

My friend Flik, who encouraged me to begin this f'ing blog, does not even have me on her list.

For the love of God and all things gooey, she could just put my blog on there to visit NOW AND AGAIN....which is exactly about frequency of my posts.

I think I'm going to have to rethink this relationship. I don't feel the love. I may have to find a NEW and BETTER heterosexual same-sex life partner.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Life Without Kids

Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend that absolutely disturbed me. This is a 30-year old woman with two children and one stepchild. She told me that she and her husband would not be married if it weren't for their children together. Realizing there are a lot of difficulties and complications in marriage alone, and knowing that she has additional difficulties with her stepchild, I still assumed that she was just joking. She was not. She informed me that she and her husband had a weekend sans kids recently and agreed to spend two hours together without discussing his passion (his motorcycle) or her passion (the children). With this agreement, these two people who were married in love, and who presumably still love each other, had only enough to say to each other to fill 10 minutes. What will will my friend have when her children are gone?
My friend openly admitted without regret that her entire life consumed by her children, by her choice. She told me that she wants her children to have a better childhood and a better life than she had, so she spends all her time with them and gives them more than what they could ever need with that purpose in mind. I was absolutely dumbstruck. Then I started thinking about this and looking at other parental relationships to which I am exposed. I realized that have seen a lot of people, mostly women, who commit everything and dedicate all their time and energy to their children.

This concerns me as a newlywed and a hopeful mother. I can't criticize my friend or any of the parents I know. I firmly believe that they do everything and give parenting their full effort for the sole benefit of their child(ren).

But I can't help but this really how marriage and parenthood are supposed to be? Or, is this just a well-disguised booby trap that leaves parents with nothing once the children are gone?

Sunday, July 24, 2005

She's Been A Long Time Gone

So I've been gone awhile. Gone from posting. Gone from my home. Gone from all things usual and customary. Here's the Cliff's Notes version of Scooby's life in the last couple of months. I got engaged. KC asked me to marry him in May and wedding plans started immediately. Thus, you have all gone sans blog. I had a birthday and am now the grand old age of 34. Thirty-four!!! Shouldn't I have accomplished something more in life by the ripe, old age of 34? I guess I did accomplish something. I managed to nearly burn down my home due to a careless cigarette butt thrown into a dry planter. For those of you who haven't nearly burned down your own homes in this manner, here's a little FYI. The moss in potting soil when dried to a crisp is quite flammable. I've not been able to live at my home for the past month (exactly 4 weeks prior to today) while cleaning and repairs have made and have been living in hotels, with family, and off the good graces of wonderful friends. The best news from these months is that not only did KC and I get engaged...we were also married!!! We haven't quite figured out our living arrangements since we both live in different cities, but we'll work that out in time. In summary, life has been crazy and difficult lately but is still really good. I'll be back on the blogwagon soon!