Thursday, March 24, 2005

Sucking a Bullet from a Gun

The following are the things that have made me consider dropping a live appliance into my bath water:

1. The "homeless" vet who was standing by the highway again today holding his cardboard sign saying that he needs money to get to Montana. Go west, oldish man.
2. The 'mone rage that's begun because I start perioding next week.
3. The anxiety of weighing in this afternoon at Weight Watchers and the expected disappointment when they tell me that I've gained a couple.
4. Hearing Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" over and over in my head because my ass has exploded for about 10 hours straight. Thank you, Correctol.
5. The spawn of Satan (a.k.a. my new cat) who is retarded and mean and who woke me up at 3:03 a.m. this morning by jumping on my head and biting me.
6. The sore and inflamed 'gina I have due to a yeast infection incurred as a result of excessive amounts of antibiotics.
7. The sun ISN'T supposed to come out tomorrow.

Bright spot in the day: even if tomorrow is cloudy, it'll still be Friday and I'll be heading off to spend the weekend with KC.


Anonymous said...

Another "bright spot in the day" is that your bestest friend loves ya dearly and misses you tons ......... Sure hope we get to see eachother soon........ :0(

Scooby said...

You're absolutely right! That's a bright spot in every day. I'm hoping to come home in June or July. No definite plans's time you came back to the heartland!!! I miss you too.

Tom said...

Damn if this title was only true. We'd all be better off. There's still hope.