Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Scooby Cam

I'm one of those people who is endlessly entertained by the riddle of a personalized license plate. I also try to read as many bumper stickers on a car in front of me before my life goes in a different direction than the other driver. Personally, I think bumper stickers are permanent litter. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm slightly judgmental and condescending about the fact that people would reduce the value of their vehicle by pasting irremovable, useless tidbits of information on it. No one really cares about what they say....but I think everyone tries to learn a little something about the anonymous driver by reading what a plate or sticker has to say.

Am I THAT bored as I drive? I guess I am.

I digress. Back to the Scooby Cam. Today I'm driving home from work and I'm sitting at a stoplight behind a car that has a window sticker that says, "You just got passed BY A GIRL!" Okay. I'm thinking, "Wow, that's a big girl in there." This girl was seriously like 7 feet tall and about 400 pounds. I continue thinking, "I wonder if that little car can even pass a burger joint. That girl is HUGE!" Then the light changes and I switch lanes. I MUST get a better look at the amazing Amazon-woman. I get up beside the car and am obviously pulling a lookie-loo to get a gander.

Who is in the car, you ask? A big, ol' black dude who thinks I'm checking his fine, pimp-daddy ass out. He starts rubber-necking because he thinks he's snagged himself some pretty pink snapper on the hook. I start laughing OUTLOUD at the thought of this big, burly black dude driving a pint-sized car with a girlie sticker in the back window. I hope he thought I was laughing at something on the radio.

My birthday is coming up.....send donations for a Scooby Cam so I can capture these moments!


astrocoz said...

I do the same thing with those stickers and license plates. And yes, I even get closer to read them all.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

The nigger recognized you from the night before.