Thursday, March 17, 2005

Are You The Woman That Forgot Her Brain?

So I was at the grocery store this afternoon picking up a couple of prescriptions. I'm innocently, quiety and patiently waiting in line at the "pick-up" counter.

Enter Mystery Grocery Store Employee: "Are you the woman that just had surgery?"

Scooby: (long pause) "Um, no."

Employee: "Oh, because you look like the woman that just had surgery." (she giggles and walks away)

Scooby: (long pause) "GREAT."

Another shopper then looks at me and giggles too. I choose to believe it was the "I can't believe she just said that" giggle, and not the "Oh my God, you DO look like the woman that just had surgery" giggle.

It was a fucking good thing Miss Overly Friendly Grocery Store Employee left when she did. ILL PEOPLE stand in line at the pharmacy. ILL PEOPLE who are anxious for drugs that will make them feel better. ILL PEOPLE who would not give a second thought to coughing and spewing infectious green phlegm on mystery grocery store employees who make them realize that not only do they feel bad, THEY LOOK BAD TOO. Bitch.


Anonymous said...

And they wonder why people go postal!

Anonymous said...

I think you should have said you wish you could have had surgery but what you have is terminal. Bet she wouldn't have giggled then. :)

Lola said...

You should have coughed and sneezed on the stupid bitch.

Lola - Bitter With Baggage

PS That's not me above or in your previous post but whoever they are they have a GREAT name. ;)

Anonymous said...

Lola from bitter w/ baggage I LOVE YOUR blog, please keep writing!

And Scoopy keep up the good work, great stuff. Your site reminds me of something a friend says, "everything comes back to poop and sex".

Anonymous said...

so meant to write scooby...sorry for calling poopy scoopy.