Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Saddest Little Vet

Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs. The one that sticks out in my mind today happened to be cardboard and was being held by a little man claiming to be a homeless 83-year old veteran (or was it veterinarian?) needing money to get home to his family. Call me crazy, call me a skeptic, but something strikes me as odd here. Several things actually. The man does not appear to be homeless. I know this because I see the homeless every day downtown near where I work. He doesn't look a day over 60. Sure, he had a gray goatee....that was nicely shaped, of even length, and the rest of his face was cleanly shaven and far from being 83 years worth of wrinkley. His coat was clean and in good shape. Likewise with the rest of his clothing that could be seen. He had no bags or backpacks on or around him and frankly he did not appear to be destitute whatsoever.

Even so, I did find it in my shriveled and pathetic heart to feel sad for the little man. Not sad enough to give him any money, of course. Obviously he was in some dire need for money or he wouldn't be standing on the corner at a stoplight holding a cardboard sign. If his family was so dang-ol' important to him he could call them collect and have them Western Union him some money to the closest grocery store and he could buy a one-way ticket to paradise.

There's usually always an alternative to begging. Unless you're begging for ice cream. I'm SO not too good enough to beg for THAT. If those crazy Taliban could just accept that we live differently from them and just TRY a little Marble Slab or Coldstone.....I just know that the middle-eastern woes of the world could be cured.


Anonymous said...

Des Moines
suffers from a HUGE number of those folks who stand on the street corner
asking for food or a job or money. I think they are all scam artists
because they are at the same corner every day. I especially dont like
when they bring their kids out there or a little dog for sympathy. They
also all hang out in the burbs close to the interstate. The true
homeless reside downtown near the river. At least here anyway.

Anonymous said...

I think if they work for the handout that's ok. Clean my windshield or let me buy some dorky flowers but something. I'm not just going to give you money, especially if there is a chance your not really needy.

Anonymous said...

In portland there's been a huge explosion of these sign holders lately. They occupy just about every major intersection. My wife made a comment the other day that she hates the way they make her feel when she sees them. I said, "That's guilt, combined with skepticism of legitemacy." She said,"Whatever." I was coming off a freeway ramp the other day and saw a sign in the ground about 30 yards before the light that said, "Caution: Junkies holding signs next 50 feet"
I laughed out loud.

astrocoz said...

I'm a CA girl and over here the homeless are generally polite and will open doors for you. They don't tend to beg too much, its more like they are hoping that you will tip them for their services, but most times people ignore them.

However, I went to Boston last year to visit a friend and their homeless are totally rude. If you refuse to put money in their styrofoam cup...ooooh boy watch out! They make comments after you about how nice your clothes or your shoes are and they point out that you could afford to put a little cash in their gnarled cup. Anyhow, I pretty much ended up telling them off. I don't respond to guilt trips, begging and nasty comments in a positive light.

If you don't live there, be glad. I know I am, makes me appreciate the CA homeless.